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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


And that will be why I will be broke my whole life, trying to find jobs at my favorite stores just so that I can have their awesome discounts. Living the dream I say. Anyways, I have been wanting a long skirt for the LONGest time (get it? I'm a hoot) and I finally got mine in the mail today from Maefair Vintage! I am in love.

(my "i'm smiling for caitlin" smile)

Who needs a man when I have cotton to keep me warm.


cate said...

You better keep two hands on that skirt at all times, because I am going to come after it.

cate said...
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Unknown said...

ugh. That skirt is too cute and soo you... enjoy my friend. Clothes are the best...
Me and the gurls upstairs miss you...