Joni Sip
I haven't finished yet with these posts yet and you are all so lucky because this girl named Joni is the best of the best. Joni is one of my roommates that I have had this year since January and to say that she is one of the kindest people ever is an understatement. She has to be one of the most loving, caring, service-oriented people I have EVER met and has made such an impact on my life. I hope she knows that. At first when you meet her, she's shy, but she loves with her whole heart. The way she shows that love is by serving others. I swear she is always looking out for other people, whether it is by quick notes or just asking how you're doing or by just acts of service. I swear homegirl does everything. I can't tell you how many times she has just come home with a York peppermint patty for me "just because" or how many times she has gone out to eat with me just to talk or how many times she has left me notes when she knows I am having a hard day. She is truly one of the most Christ-like people I have ever met and I have been truly blessed to have her in my life. I am definitely going to miss hanging out with her, but I know that whatever she does in life, she is going to be the best because she will put her whole heart and soul into it. Joni is the oldest in her family and you can just see the love she has for her family by how she talks and treats them. She is going to be one of the best mom's and I can't wait to see the day when we all live on the same street and I see her taking her kids to ultimate frisbee games ;)
Joni is my take-out buddy, my basketball watching best friend, and my "I work at Jimmy Johns and eat it everyday" role model. I love my homegirl!
Five random facts about Joni:
1. She loves the Jazz more than anything...I have learned not to judge her on this.
2. She is the most athletic person I know, I swear she is good at every sport, even bingo.
3. She is the oldest of five.
4. She and I WILL go to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game when I come home.
5. She has worked a bajillion jobs, including Pizza Hut and Jimmy John's. She's our suga mama.
I just love ya "Joni-fer"!
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